Pudgy Pooches
In today's USA Weekend magazine, an article entitled "Fat Cats and Pudgy Pooches" said that many people have no idea if their dog is overweight. Nor do they know how much to feed their dog. Sometimes being overweight worsens other conditions such as diabetes and arthritis, just like in humans. Behavior problems such as pets with painful arthritis snapping at kids who play too rough can lead to the pet being taken to a shelter. The dog may be trying to communicate in the only way it knows how.
Vets in the article recommend these steps to keep your canine's weight in check:
- Visit a vet regularly
- Skip crash diets (even worse for dogs than humans)
- Buy low-cal treats (like those at www.naturalbark.com)
- Try keeping your dog in another room while you eat
- Feed your pet at specific times
- Premeasure and don't supersize
Of course, exercise is an excellent way to help keep those pounds from packing on both you and your 4-legged friend.
Glorious read, I just passed this onto a colleague who was doing some research on that. I'd also encourage everybody to bookmark this page to your favorite service to assist spread the word. Thanks!